Women admit that they Bad Boys Arms prefer good men, but have their hearts broken by bad men – this story has been heard hundreds of times. Maybe you’ve heard of friends who fell into the arms of men like James Dean, or maybe YourChristianDate you’ve experienced it yourself. What is something that makes these naughty boys so irresistible?
Not everyone falls for such a man, of course, but there are plenty of examples worth examining. Is there perhaps a logical, even scientific explanation behind this phenomenon? It turns out that yes, there are some.
‘Pathological = Sexy’ Survey
A 2015 study from the journal Evolution & Human Behavior suggests that people with pathological attitudes have more life partners. In short, people with neurotic, impulsive, obsessive-compulsive, and rule-breaking behaviors tend to date more and have more relationships. Nearly 1,000 men and women were studied with a spectrum of pathological behaviors, ranging from none to severe.
Some interesting observations were highlighted: One, study leader Gutiérrez said that men with obsessive-compulsive disorder have more success with women. He attributed this to the high-income cohort, as men with obsessive-compulsive behaviors achieved almost twice as much success YourLoveMeet.com as less obsessive participants. Another is that women with neurotic behavior are more successful than those who are less neurotic in protecting themselves from men.
It is too early to take this discovery as Biblical truth though. Since this study was a combination of self-reported study and interviews, it is possible that participants exaggerated their quality reports to make them appear more attractive. After all, dishonesty is a pathological behavior too.
The ‘My Hormones Made Me Do it’ Study – Bad Boys Arms
Kristina Durante, a researcher at the University of Texas at San Antonio, studied women’s reactions to men during periods of low and high fertility to see if there was a difference in their choices. Spoiler alert : Women who are ovulating want a sexy bad boy.
This 2012 study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , had data on women who viewed online dating profiles, and interacted with male actors who played the stereotypical role of either being a sexy bad boy or a dependable nice guy.
In both cases, women who were close to their ovulation period significantly preferred their sexy physique to more reliable men, and also believed that sexier men made better fathers and partners. The conclusion? YourLatinMates.com review Women who are ovulating have their judgment clouded by their basic instincts of sexual attraction, or in modern terms, their “ovulation glasses” are alive.
The Appeal of the ‘Dark Triad’
Do women like men who are stereotypically dark and mysterious because they look better? Or perhaps dark, mysterious men claim to win more hearts because they exaggerate their qualities?
To eliminate these variables, Gregory Louis Carter of Durham University studied the preferences of 128 women for men through an online questionnaire, and found that women were significantly more attracted to men with the “Dark Triad” personality, which includes narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism (the tendency to cheat and manipulate). This is regardless of physical appearance. Women actually prefer men with dark traits.
There are two ways to look at this. Either women tend to be fascinated by these personalities because they are so unusual, or men with these personalities are adept at being persuasive – that is, manipulating women into liking them.
The ‘I Need Emotions to Feel Alive’ Theory – Bad Boys Arms
This one isn’t really a study, but rather a hypothesis. In essence, the theory suggests that women tend to have more feminine energy, which responds to emotion. In comparison, men tend to have more masculine energy, which responds to logic and reason.
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For women, this means that the person they feel. The more emotion, be it positive or negative, joy or pain. The more attractive women feel to that person. In other words, women eat emotions to feel alive (so that’s how this theory goes). Unfortunately, while her emotions can be negative, most of the time. She would rather choose this over someone who makes her feel nothing at all.
These are just some of the studies and theories that attempt to explain the elusive science of attraction. It’s helpful to know that biology can influence us to make choices we wouldn’t make rationally. On the other hand, this creates a romantic feeling of falling in love. Choose wisely! You have been warn.