Do you cringe at the thought of conversation on the first date? Or do you feel stressed thinking about the perfect questions to get to know someone? Well, we’d like to flip the script and encourage you to get excited. Why? Because meeting someone is exciting. And you can be stress-free, too, if you know what to ask.
It’s no secret that questions keep a conversation flowing. But deciding what to ask your crush can be tricky. Generally speaking, we recommend that your questions be simple, open-ended, and flow with the conversation. Would you like to know more? Take a look below to familiarize yourself with our frequently asked questions for meeting someone…
What do you prefer…?
Sure it may sound juvenile, but this fun icebreaker can really get the conversation started. It can help you get to know someone on all levels and can touch on a wide range of topics. So read the room and modify it as you see fit!
Maybe start with something light-hearted and silly like “Do you prefer ears to hands or hands to ears?” So if all is going well and you feel like diving a little deeper, ask a more serious question like “Would you rather die young and rich or old and happy?”
Communication is key in a relationship, but it doesn’t always have to be heavy! So have fun with it and change from meaningful to joyful or vice versa. YourChristianDate.Com
What achievement are you most proud of?
A question like this not only gives you an idea of what this person has accomplished, it also gives you an idea of what they value. Are they more proud of getting a raise or helping to build a house for charity? Whatever they answer should reveal a lot.
Understanding what someone considers important is key to unlocking what motivates them. Probing this question in such an easy way will smoothly lead your date into a meaningful conversation and test your compatibility.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
If you are looking for more questions to see how compatible you are with someone, this is the ideal example of a question to get to know someone. This classic gives you an idea of his vision. Do their goals align with yours? Or do you have polar opposite dreams for the future?
What makes you laugh? – Questions
Do you always find yourself falling for the class clown? Well, you are not alone. Studies show that fun people are more attractive. So if you have an upcoming date, it might be a good idea to brush up on your comedic skills!
Bonding through a sense of humor is huge when it comes to connecting, especially with a new love interest. Asking this question will probably lead to the two of you trying to make each other laugh. Loosening up like this will quickly give you an idea of what’s tickling their funny bone. What if you find you’re laughing with them? Even better.
What are you most excited about in your life right now? – Questions
This question helps you get to know someone in terms of both their value system and what really brings them joy. It will help you see if your ideals collide or not. Perhaps this question will reveal a shared love of music or a passion for politics? Or perhaps it will reveal a rideshare destination?
It’s always a good sign of compatibility if you and your crush can get emotional about the same thing. It’s also a very good transition question, usually introducing a new topic of conversation.
What TV or movie character do you identify with and why?
This question is another fun icebreaker. From this question, you will be able to know how someone sees himself without having a heavy and serious conversation.
It will give you a quick idea of who they like and who they might want to be as well, giving you an idea of who they are. It’s also a good way to find out if the two of you have the same taste in TV or movies. YourChristianDate
what is the thing that bothers you the most?
Everyone has a hobby or two. This is a great question that will help you get a sense of what gets on someone’s nerves. You may find that they are totally relaxed. Otherwise, you will find that they are a bit of a control freak!
Finding out what’s bothering another person is a great way to find out how someone works and allows you to be open and honest with each other from the start.
Who are the most special people in your life?
Assess the character of your date by casually asking who is in their support network. Do they lean on their parents, siblings, and/or best friends? Do they have an inner circle? Or maybe you find out they are single parents?
You can tell a lot about someone by the people they hang out with and the way they talk about their loved ones. After all, the phrase “You are who you surround yourself with” is timeless for a reason.
What is your biggest fear? – Questions
This question reveals someone’s vulnerability pretty quickly. Emotional intimacy is important in a relationship, but some people find it an uncomfortable subject. If your date answers “spiders” or “heights,” then perhaps that means they don’t like to dig too deep too quickly.
But if you’re looking to skip the small talk and dive into a person’s heart of truth, then this is the one to do it. If answered honestly, this question says a lot about this person’s history, so pay attention.
Asking the right questions can be tricky, especially when you’re meeting someone for the first time. But by asking the questions above, you’re sure to connect more authentically to begin with. So take note of this the next time you talk to your crush and deepen your bond without breaking a sweat.